Best Ways to Lose Weight after Diwali: Top 10

Best Ways to Lose Weight after Diwali: Top 10

Diwali, the festival of lights, or should I say, the festival of sweets just got over. Since it’s the time everybody’s cheat time starts and usually continues for a couple days after the festival is gone too.  Everyone including me, gorge on different sort of sweets, deep fried dishes not caring about the calories at all. It eventually leads to the flab that we’ve lost exercising and dieting for a long time. Now, after the celebrations are over you must be worried about how to be back in shape and lose all the extra weight. Well, don’t lose hope as today we’ll share with you ten easy ways to  and get back in shape after Diwali. These 10 Best Ways to Lose Weight after Diwali will help you with your weightloss worries

10 Best Ways to Lose Weight after Diwali

  1. Be consistent with your workout– Don’t skip your workout for at least a couple days and be consistent with it, meaning set a time and stick to it. Increase cardio in your workout schedule such as dancing, aerobics, swimming, cycling, zumba, skipping, Yoga etc. Yoga for weight loss is the best or you can opt for other easy exercises for weight loss at home too.
  2. Distribute Excess food– If you have excess food left at your home then distribute it among underprivileged children. It’s a noble gesture and it’ll help you keep the unwanted fat off your body. It will keep your cravings away and also give those children a reason to smile. I am sure nobody told you about this weight loss tip but this one works 100%.
  3. Change your diet– Since you’ve had a lot of deep fried, sweets and junk food over the past couple of days, your body needs to be on detox diet for some time to get back on track. So say no to all those unhealthy foods and include raw fruits or veggies in your diet. Start your meal with some vegetable soup. 
  4. Get your lifestyle on track- During the festive time, your routine gets seriously messed up, your sleeping hours go awry and everything gets disturbed as a result. So get your daily routine back on track, start your day in the early hours and sleep for a minimum of 7-8 hours. Don’t sleep at odd times during the day or in the evening.
  5. Detox your body- For the next couple days, add a lot of fluids in your routine, stay away from Diwali sweets, oily foods and let your body detox. You should follow a body Detox plan and include detox diet menu in your routine. This detox plan will help you to detox your body at home. You can also follow a 5 Day Detox diet plan to get the things rolling
  6. Include more fluids- Including more fluids in your routine will not only help you detox your body but also keep you full for a larger time, reducing your food portions. If you’re not able to drink a lot of water, then you can either drink lime water, jaljeera, fruit and vegetable juices etc. Fluids curb the unnecessary food cravings and reduce belly fat fast
  7. No to all junk foods- Day goodbye to all the burgers and pizzas you were going to stuff your face with after Diwali. Stay away from oily foods and use very less amount of oil in your regular meals. This is one sure shot Weight loss tip and be a healthy you.
  8. Include running or walking- Get your routine right, get up early in the morning, put on your sports shoes and go running or walking. Running or walking is a whole body workout and will help you shed those extra pounds in no time. 
  9. Don’t starve yourself- Starving yourself after the festive season to shed the extra weight will never help but instead only make you weak while slowing down your metabolism. If you are working on losing weight then much on little somethings everynow and then.
  10. Set a pattern for your meals- Eat your meals at the right time every day. Starving yourself and pushing your meals won’t help you in any way, it will only slow down your metabolism. So don’t allow a large gap between your meals, eat something every two hours. This weight loss tip works like a charm and help you lose weight fast.

So, these 10 Best Ways to Lose Weight after Diwali without starving.  You just need to put a tab on your sweets intake and involve a little bit exercise in your daily routine and soon you will see all that extra kilos shedding. Now, you know how to lose weight after Diwali. After all, you need to look fabulous and be healthy for another round of celebrations coming up… yes I’m talking about the Christmas and New year.. :).

Don’t Miss to Checkout:

Would you like to try these 10 Best Ways to Lose Weight after Diwali?

Author: Pushpa Bhaskar

PS: I do not claim the ownership of images used here


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