Best Home Remedies for Hair Fall: Hair Packs that Work!

Best Home Remedies for Hair Fall

Hair fall is one issue that both men and Women are suffering from these days because of hectic work schedules, stress, lack of proper nutrition and hair care. Though, sometime hair fall is driven by genes and hormonal issues. There are a lot of factors behind this hair fall problem. Before trying out a lot of expensive and fancy remedies try these simple Home remedies to control hair loss naturally.

These Home Remedies for hair fall are very effective and show quick results. So, let’s check out how we can stimulate naturally hair regrowth by trying these try this homemade tips for long hair and healthy hair.

Best Home Remedies for Hair Fall

#1 Coconut oil and Coconut Milk

We often run after fancy ingredients for our hair care but mostly, it is the very readily available and simple ingredients which are the easiest solution to most of our worries. Coconut oil can be massaged into the scalp after warming it up a little. It will stop hair thinning and promotes hair regrowth.

For strengthening your hair strands, you can use coconut milk apart from Coconut oil. Coconut milk for hair regrowth is a great option.  Coconut oil and milk are rich in Vitamin E, proteins, Mineral form of Potassium and fats which promotes hair regrowth and controls hair loss. These constituents work together to strengthen, condition your hair and reduce hair breakage and hair fall.

Definitely one of the best Home remedies to control hair fall, boost the hair regrowth.

#2 Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera is another effective home remedy for hair loss and quick hair growth. Use Aloe Vera leaves juice to protect against hair fall.

First of all, slice a fleshy leaf and extract the Aloe Vera pulp from the leaf. Massage the pulp into your scalp and hair. Mix it with some oil or curd for extra nourishment.

Aloe Vera pulp helps to balance the pH levels of your scalp and stimulate hair growth. You can also use ready-made Aloe Vera pulp for this purpose.

This Aloe Vera Hair Loss Treatment hair pack will not only reduce hair fall but makes hair softer, smoother and shinier. Now, use this pack and Stop Hair fall with Aloe Vera

#3 Sour Curd

Curd or Yogurt is one of the most effective home remedies for hair loss. Not only it helps with hairfall but also improves the texture and makes hair soft, smooth and shiny.

Mix two tablespoons of thick Yogurt with 1 tablespoon honey and a few drops of Lemon. Apply this hair pack on hair and leave on for half an hour. Wash off with normal water and follow with regular shampoo.

Yogurt contains lots of Vitamins, including Vitamin B5 which is essential for hair growth, probiotics and proteins. All these ingredients work together to stimulate hair growth and infuse strength in your hair. Honey acts as a moisturizer and contains lots of antioxidants. Try Sour curd as a hair fall solution and this homemade tip for long hair and healthy hair.

#4 Fenugreek seeds

If you are wondering “How to stop hair loss with fenugreek” then this hair pack will help you. Fenugreek / Methi seeds is one of the most effective home remedies to control hair loss.

Fenugreek or methi dana seeds need to be soaked in water, overnight. In the morning, use a grinder to covert these into a smooth paste. Add yogurt and Egg white for a more nourishing treatment. Use this hair pack and leave on for nearly 30 minutes. Wash and shampoo using luke warm water. Fenugreek seed can help to control hair fall and boost hair growth.

#5 Onion juice

Yes, you can use Onions for fighting hair loss. Onion juice is a highly effective remedy to cure heavy hair fall because of the high Sulphur content. Onion juice markedly improves blood circulation and stimulates the hair follicles. It also has mild anti-microbial  properties which help in fighting germs, fungal infections and even nits and lice.

Prepare fresh onion juice by grinding an onion in the mixer and squeezing out the juice. Apply the juice on scalp and wash off after half an hour. Definitely, the most effective home remedy for controlling hair loss and boosting hair growth.

#6 Beetroot juice

Beetroot helps to strengthen your hair inside out. Beetroot is rich in minerals, like: Phosphorous, calcium, potassium. It is also a good source of proteins and carbs. Beetroot juice also contains Vitamin B complex and ascorbic acid. You can either consume Beetroot juice or apply Beetroot juice to stop hair fall.

You may form a paste out of boiled Beetroot and use it on your hair. Boil the beet-root in water and make a paste. Apply this thick paste to scalp and leave it on for 20-30 minutes. Rinse off with water and follow with shampoo. Use this pack once a week for better hair growth and quick results.

It is one of the best home remedy to stop hair loss and promotes hair regrowth.

#7 Hibiscus Flowers

Hibiscus Flowers contains vitamin C, phosphorous, and the essential nutrients for smooth and strong hair which can be very helpful in preventing hair loss and to promote hair growth. The flower also contributes to toxin elimination and promotes circulation, thereby enhancing hair growth.

Take 2-3 Hibiscus flowers and remove the petals. Crush the petals and 2-3 tbsp. add coconut or Almond Oil to form a paste or Heat the mixture for few minutes and strain the oil Apply this concoction to the scalp and hairs, leave overnight and wash in the morning.

This controls the hair loss and promotes hair growth and that’s is why this is the best Ayurvedic home remedy for hair loss

#8 Licorice roots

Licorice root has healing properties that soothe the scalp and eliminate scalp irritation or dandruff. Dandruff can also be the cause of hair loss so Licorice can be very helpful in preventing the hair loss and hair damage caused by dandruff.

Soak a few strands of licorice roots or ue the readymade licorice powder in milk overnight. In the morning grind the mixture to make a paste and apply this paste to the scalp. Leave it for 30-40 min and rinse off.

Licorice roots to stop hair fall is very effective and one of the best herbal remedies to stop hair fall

#9 Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple Cider Vinegar can be very effective to control hair fall and give shiny smooth hair.

Use one part of Apple cider vinegar, diluted with two parts of water. Apply this mix on your scalp and hair using a spray bottle. Massage with fingertips gently and rinse off after 5 to 10 minutes.

This hair fall treatment also works on dandruff and any scalp issues.

#10 Indian Gooseberry or Amla

Gooseberry or Amla is rich in Vitamin C and Gooseberry can help to maintain a healthy scalp and If you are wondering how to use Indian gooseberry or Amla for controls hair fall and boosting natural hair growth than stay tuned.

Take 3-4 Amla and remove seeds. Grind them to make a smooth paste or use Amla powder. Add 2-3 tbsp of Almond Oil and 1 tbsp of honey. Massage this paste onto the scalp and leave for 30-40 minutes.

Indian gooseberry to reduce hair loss is an excellent remedy and it also promotes hair growth.

So, these are some of the Best Home Remedies for Hair fall.  These natural hair packs are highly effective not only to stop hair loss but also to boost hair growth. You can use any of these homemade hair packs for hair fall to get desired results.

Apart from these, follow a good diet and be gentle while combing your hair. Avoid hair styling tools for some time and pamper your hair with these anti hair fall homemade hair packs for best results.

Don’t Miss to Checkout:

Have you tried any of these Home Remedies for Hair Fall?  Which is your favorite Homemade hair pack ?

PS: I do not claim the ownership of images used here!


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