Top 10 Yogasans To Reduce Belly Fat Quickly: Easy and Effective

10 Best Yogasans To Reduce Belly Fat Quickly

With the changing lifestyle and unhealthy eating habits people tend to gain weight easily! Our belly is the area that gets hugely impacted with all of this! Belly fat is super stubborn and very difficult to get rid of no matter how hard you try. You need to eat proper food, alongside good workout plan to keep all the excess fat at bay! Yoga is a great way to reduce belly fat quickly; as it helps you control your body and mind while working that abdomen! So, let me talk you through 10 Best Yogasans to reduce belly fat quickly:

Best Yogasans to Reduce Belly Fat Quickly:

1.Surya Namaskar: The Master of all yoga poses “Surya Namaskar” is a great way to target your belly, as it works on all the muscles of the body both on the inside and outside! Doing this on a regular basis will keep you energized and healthy! It is recommended that you do this in the morning while the sun is rising, to get maximum benefits! One of the simple Yoga Poses to Reduce Stubborn Belly Fat!

Alert: Pregnant women, people with spinal injuries, cardiac problems and high blood pressure shall consult their doctors before doing this!

  1. Cobra Pose or “Bhujangsana”: This yoga pose is a great way to strengthen those abdominal muscles and create a flexible spine! This pose is also great for relieving post-partum back problems, stress and fatigue! A very Powerful Yoga Asanas To Get Rid Of Belly Fat

Alert:  Pregnant women, people suffering from Hernia or back disorders shall not do this!

  1. Cat pose or “Marjariasana”: This yoga pose helps in targeting the stubborn belly fat, giving you a good long posture and making your spine super flexible! A simple and easy to do yoga positions to help lose belly fat

Alert: People dealing with a head injury must ensure that the head is in sync with the torso while performing this pose.

  1. Raise Foot Pose or “Uttanpadasana”: This pose is ideal for targeting the lower abdomen along with the hips and thighs, as it helps get rid of the excessive flab that gets accumulated around the waist, especially during pregnancy! It helps cure back pain, the blood circulation and the functioning of reproductive organs is enhanced! If you are looking for yoga asanas for weight loss start with this easy one!

Alert:  People suffering from spinal injuries or muscle pull must avoid doing this pose.

  1. Camel Pose or “Ushtrasana”: The camel pose is a great way to strengthen back muscles, and improve your posture while reducing the stubborn belly fat! This pose is great for curing menstrual pain and fatigue.

Alert:  People suffering from heart diseases, migraine, lower back problems or high blood pressure must not attempt this yogasan.

  1. Boat Pose or “Naukasana”: This is one of the most efficient yoga pose for flat stomach. It guarantees a flatter belly if done regularly! It works on the abdominal muscles, getting rid of the belly fat and giving you leaner abs. Also, it helps in strengthening the shoulders, arms and thighs while improving the overall health of your digestive system.

Alert:  Women who are pregnant or menstruating must not do this, while other individuals suffering from issues like diarrhea, heart ailments, insomnia and frequent headaches shall not do this at all.

  1. Wind Relieving Pose or “Pavanmukhtasana”: This pose triggers the belly fat, as all the muscles are contracted and released due to constant exertion on the tummy. It helps in giving you a strong back, relieves stomach pain, gases and also tones and tightens the arms and legs. Easy and effective yoga to reduce tummy.

Alert:  People suffering from spinal injuries, blood pressure, pregnancy and heart diseases must refrain from trying this out.

  1. Seated Forward Bend or “Paschimottanasana”: That’s quite a mouthful, anyhow, alongside being a tummy tucking pose it works as a good stretch for the glutes, hamstrings and arms. People suffering from digestive disorders may find relief with this pose. It effectively reduces belly fat and also balances out your Aunty Flo cycle.

Alert:  Individuals who have had an abdominal surgery, or suffer from asthma and diarrhea must not perform this pose.

  1. Standing Forward Bend or “Padahastasana”: This pose compresses the tummy, making it an ideal belly fat burning pose. It helps improve the digestive system, strengthens the joints on your wrist and relieves any kind of mental or physical exhaustion that your body suffers. One of the best yoga asanas for flat stomach

Alert:  This pose needs to be done with utmost care, and in order to master this pose you have to do Uttahasana, which is a little less challenging! If you suffer spinal injuries, it is best to avoid performing this yogasan.

  1. Mountain Pose or “Tadasana”: This is more like a stretch, that helps enhance your posture, is great for firming the buttocks and relieving sciatica pain. This pose is great for strengthening the thighs, ankles and heels too.

Alert:  If you suffer from frequent headaches, Insomnia or low blood pressure, please avoid doing this.

Conclusion: In order to achieve a flatter belly, you should also inculcate good eating habits in your fitness regimen.  Not getting the right amount of sleep also contributes to weight gain! So, try these 10 best yogasans to reduce belly fat quickly and get the body that is both healthy and lean! Stay fit, stay beautiful!

Don’t Miss to Checkout:

Have you tried any of these Yogas to Reduce Belly Fat Quickly? How to you keep your weight under check?

Author: Cidra Khan

PS: I do not claim the ownership of images used here!


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