Science of Weight Loss: What Works!

Science of Weight Loss

I am sure 99% of you reading this article are struggling to lose weight and get back in shape. But with a busy lifestyle and erratic schedules, we always find an excuse to skip exercise. Everybody like to lose weight but usually without any effort or diet! I am also one of them :). I would like to lose weight and fit into my old clothes again but what if I don’t want to go on a crash diet or take dietary supplements!

Fret not if you can’t go on a diet for weight loss and wondering how to lose weight without any food supplements and appetite suppressants. Instead of putting efforts for losing weight without much info, let’s learn the actual science of weight loss and understand what works.

So, instead of putting efforts for losing weight without much info, let’s learn the actual science of weight loss and understand what works.

Basics of Weight Loss:

  • Balanced Diet: The first and foremost is weight loss diet. You don’t have to starve to lose weight but actually, have to find balance and eat healthily. It has been proved that low-fat diets do not cause weight loss and have a negligible effect on long-term cardiovascular disease. Rather reduce your carbohydrate intake and go on a low carbohydrate diet.
  • Improved Metabolism: After following a good diet for weight loss, you need to target and elevate your resting metabolic rate which will act as a fat burner. Eating small portions of meals after every few hours instead of a single heavy meal keeps the metabolism active and helps in weight loss.
  • Physical Activity: It’s essential to keep your body moving and do a small amount of exercise whenever possible. Even if it’s Yoga or walking around just spend at least 15 minutes in a day towards your health and move your body. Strength training, high-intensity interval training (HIIT), and anaerobic-based circuit training are much better options than cardio exercises for weight loss.

VLCC Slimming Program:

VLCC works on the DNA-based weight loss programs, which is a very scientific approach to weight management.

VLCC ensures that the clients get long lasting benefits so they are delivered by a panel of experts which includes doctors, Nutritionists, therapists, fitness experts and others who work together and recommend treatments based on individual needs, health and fitness status, body composition and measurements. They also take care of the clients’ medical conditions like diabetes, hypertension PCOS, hypothyroid, arthritis etc.

The target of the Weight loss programs is the fat cells. Hence, it helps in losing weight with a toned body and that too with:

  • No Crash Diets
  • No artificial food supplement
  • No appetite suppressants
  • No Side effects

Some of the Services provided by VLCC:

  • Therapies:  An adjunct to weight loss program is manual manipulation of soft tissues, improving circulation, the supply of oxygen and nutrients to skin and muscles and lymphatic drainage to detoxify and keep muscles at the peak of flexibility and strength. It includes Body Therapies and premium Therapies like Rapitone, Vedatrim etc.
  • Ayurveda: These are one of the perfectly packaged Ayurvedic treatments for relaxation of the mind, body, and soul. E.g Shirodhara, Podikizhi, Abhyangam etc
  • Scientific Treatments: VLCC has introduced scientific treatments with latest procedures using advanced appliances for faster results.  It includes procedures like Lipobelt with Laser, Ultracavitation and the latest is CoolSculpting which works for Fat reduction, Toning, Sculpting etc

There are various Therapies, Ayurvedic treatments and scientific procedures offered to help in slimming down. All these services help in leading a healthy, active life, free of aches and pains basically journey towards complete wellness.

Don’t Miss to Checkout:

Have you tried any of these Weight loss treatments? Which things work best for you for weight loss?

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