Lash Extension Tips and Tricks That You May Not Know

Lash Extension Tips and Tricks

If you’re looking for an easy way to extend your lashes and add volume to your eyes, lash extensions are the answer. However, not many people are aware of the nuances and tricks that go into these extensions. We’ve compiled a list of tips you may not know for your lashes and your life.

This is a collection of tips on the trade that we’ve learned from experience. If you’re an experienced lash extension technician, keep scrolling. If you are new to the world of using a Lash extension kit, this could be the most important post you read this month.

To make your lashes look fuller, you may want to know more about how to position the extension tubes. This will not only help you maximize their effectiveness but will also keep you from creating clumps or visible gaps at the root.

Positioning the combs

Many people will use a comb to spread their lashes, but this can create an uneven distribution. To achieve a more even lash look, you may need to comb in the corner points. If you place the comb in the corner of your eyes and then angle it away from your face, you’ll be able to reach lashes that are usually out of reach.

Remember that many people will not have a gap at the root between their lashes. Commonly, there may be a slight gap between the lashes on either side of your eyes. But having a gap at the root is more natural. If you have enough space and can reach under your brow, it’s best to allow this.

An easy way to make sure you don’t cause a gap is to place the comb in the corner of each eye, then pull your skin taut. You may have to tweak it a little to get the hang of it, but it’s worth the time. If you create a gap at the root of your lash line, it will look unnatural. If you keep this in mind, you’ll be able to avoid creating gaps.

The best way to put the extensions on is by working from underneath your eye. This will make it easier to create a natural line of lashes and help you maintain the look that comes from putting them on.

If you work too quickly or are still learning the technique, you may have a hard time creating this natural look. This can be frustrating, and you may even need to go back over several times to get the results you wish.

It’s difficult to create a natural look with a comb

When you are putting on the extensions, remember always to use the smallest comb. After creating a nice natural-looking line, use a slightly larger comb to finish off the end of your lashes. This will help ensure that any gaps you create at the root are filled in.

Another way to make sure you have the best lash extension look is to adjust your extension tubes’ length, shape, and thickness. You should be using a tube that best mimics your natural lashes. And, by using a comb to hold the lashes in place, you can make sure they look the most natural.

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