Is Music Keyboard a Must Have for Your Child’s Development?

Is Music Keyboard a Must Have for Your Child’s Development?

I love being a mother; my son is my life!  Although my son is now 3 years old, it just feels like yesterday when we got him home all wrapped up in a pretty towel. I guess this happens with all mothers – their child remains their little baby forever!

But in the real world, our children do grow up, and they grow up fast! It is our responsibility as a good mum to make sure that they get the best of everything in life in a balanced manner that will not spoil them, and will also make them all set for life.

My heart breaks every time I see little boys and girls, as young as in Grade 3 running off to tuition classes after school; come on mummies, this is not fair! I seriously do not feel the need for academic tuitions after school at least till the child has crossed Grade 5. You know what is a better option?


Yes, it has worked for my child and it will definitely work for yours too. Let me tell you why music is the perfect teacher for small kids who have just started learning how the world works, and don’t you worry this is not going to be boring: –

A Scientifically Proven Fact

Yes, research states that music develops the strength of our senses besides boosting positive personal emotions. All instruments produce melodious sounds, but an incomparable instrument that is the most therapeutic and useful is the age old keyboard.

My son has been playing with a keyboard for the past 2 months, and let me tell you, he is a new person now! He loves playing his Casio Mini keyboard all day after school; it’s more than a hobby for him. He was quite a shy little kid. He didn’t talk much, even at home besides his occasional “bhook lagi hain!”

It was after taking a few trial keyboard lessons at the suggestion of my friend, that I saw pure joy on his face for the first time. It was like he had found a new friend. It was an emotional day for me because I saw my son starting to come out of his shell.

It Boosts Learning Capabilities

Did you know that learning how to play a keyboard can actually help your child get better at math, counting, reading, chapter analysis, and learning language? Yes, apparently many scientists have observed keyboard students being better in all the above at school compared to non-learners.

Keyboard Learners Are Creative

No news here. If your baby explores the world of music, then they’re on the creative bandwagon! Creativity is important for our children as it keeps them curious and happy.

You don’t want an irritable restless child at your hands now, do you? Their creativity imbibed through musical training will make them explore newer avenues for showcasing their emotions. Creativity will also make them calmer.

I can’t remember the last time I had to shush my son down in the supermarket. Nowadays, he surprises me by accepting my denial to buy him toys justifying that “ghar main keyboard haina!”

And he smilingly agrees. His keyboard has become his passion and relaxation; he is more than happy mastering it.

The Cool Kid at School

Music skills are always conversation starters, no matter what age you are. My son has inspired many of his classmates to take up keyboard lessons. For someone like him, who hesitates at starting conversations, his keyboard does it beautifully for him.

Kids his age always come up to him and talk to him. My son has become very confident lately and doesn’t shy away from social situations anymore. Even when we have guests over, he will willfully come out and play the keyboard for them!

These are from my personal experience. I strongly suggest that you introduce your child to the keyboard; the sooner the better. You child especially needs it in today’s age of cutthroat competition and stressful lifestyle. You don’t have to force them into it, just take them to a keyboard class, and you’ll notice the child taking an instant liking to it ‘cause that’s just how magical a keyboard is!

I strongly recommend what few of my musical friends suggested, always go for a good quality digital keyboard like the Casio Mini Keyboard. Not only does its Japanese make create a beautiful sound, and make it easier to play, the 3-year warranty will take care of any future wear and tear as well.

So, maybe it’s time my pretty mums and their kids took a trip down to the nearest music school! Good luck!


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