How to Spot Health Gimmicks

How to Spot Health Gimmicks

You’ve heard and probably seen firsthand the effects of obesity. Reports show that obesity prevalence in America is now 42 percent. You know you’re crossing the danger zone as your body mass index reads 27. You’re doing everything within your power possible to cut down some weight, but it isn’t working.

It appears the supplements you’ve tried aren’t effective, and you have not been so consistent with your workout routines. Chances are that you’re using a fake product. It is increasingly difficult for regulatory bodies to clamp down on every product due to limited resources. This makes them focus on those that have more direct risks. 

There are many health gimmicks and scams in the market portraying to help with weight loss and maintaining a healthier body. Some are valid, while a larger percentage are scams. The importance of staying aware cannot be overemphasized. Spotting health gimmicks can be easier with some background knowledge.

Verify The Source

With the internet, everyone and anyone can pass as an expert in any field. There are people without medical degrees dolling out facts on the internet. The responsibility lies on you to sieve information and verify all statements. Take time out to do your own research before accepting any claim. 

When you read anything on the internet, take note of the source of information. Prioritize information from government agencies, educational institutions, or respectable non-profit organizations. Their information is often well researched and non-bias. Also, look out for citations of original sources. 

When sourcing health information, ensure to review the about section of the organization and see if you can find contact information. Also, speak to your doctor to verify any information or product you come across. They will have more individualized feedback to offer.

Look Out For Sponsorships

Influencers often endorse a product because they are paid to do so. This doesn’t mean the product is bad, but ensure to verify before making a purchase. Never base your purchasing decisions on the recommendation of somebody else. Instead, verify from credible sources.

Be careful with websites that show advertisements alongside information. Look out for an advert warning. If the websites must have ads, they must be presented separately from the information. Also, ensure that the sources you use are based on research and expert reviews rather than opinions.  

Unrealistic Promises

Be wary of information or products that seem too good to be true. Products that claim to cure a number of illnesses that you’re sure can only be managed are a red flag. Products that promise overnight results are usually not effective, these processes take time. Products that use superlatives like miracle cure or scientific breakthrough without proper documentation in medical literature is as good as false. 

It is also important to note that weight loss products are not the magic cure. If you don’t combine it with diet and exercise, there’s only so much result you can get. Never buy a product on impulse, be sure of its reliability and effectiveness to do what it says it will do. Remember, your doctor is only a call away. 

Lacks Information

Legitimate companies are always transparent, would never rush you into making a purchase, and would also encourage you to seek expert advice for clarity. It is a standard operating procedure for companies to list out the ingredients in their products. You should avoid any product without clearly stated ingredients. Also, any product that doesn’t state an address or how you can contact the company is a red flag. 

All products should support the claim they make. Products should contain key ingredients that help sustain the result they claim to have. For example, gummies that support your immune system should list their ingredients and contain vitamins that actually boost immunity. 

Weight loss products should not contain copious amounts of sugar and sweeteners. Brands are quick to label their brand, natural, healthy, low-fat, but look to the ingredients list for clarity beyond all these. Companies have devised different ways to hide sugar. That’s why it is important for you to seek expert advice. 

For some, they mask the sugar used in its different forms: sucrose, fructose, sucrose, beet sugar, cane sugar, and more. Some also use syrups which are thick liquids made from large quantities of sugar dissolved in water. Others combine different forms of sugar to make the product seem low in sugar.  

Find Health Products That Work

It is up to you to verify sources of information on the internet and be wary of unrealistic expectations promised by some products. Also, ensure that a product delivers on what it promises, the ingredient list is a good place to start. With proper research, you can find health products that support your body.

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