How to maintain skin shine throughout the day?

How to maintain skin shine throughout the day?

When it’s about skincare, you have to start your day with some healthy habits like cleansing your face, applying moisturizer after bath, and so on. However, no matter what you do, you may observe dullness and lack of shine on your face as the day passes. This happens because you are either using the wrong skincare product or behaving carelessly to your skin. Sometimes, the reasons can be both.

For example, if you are coming out of home in the summer heat without the application of sunscreen on your skin, you will suffer from tanning. There are many other instances when you forget to take preventative measures to avoid skin disorders and end up running its shine. Read this blog to find out the ways to tackle skin problems without losing its natural shine.


Start your Day Fresh

Your morning skincare routine must include cleansing first before anything else. Because, during sleep, your skin produces oil and sweat. At the same time, dead skin cells keep falling off. Therefore, when you wake up, it is essential to wash your face. However, make sure to use a gentle cleansing formula that is good for your skin.

Do not go for harsh cleansing products as they contain potentially dangerous chemicals. They are not appropriate for long-term use.

We will recommend you start your morning skincare routine with Medimix moisturizing face wash. It carries fast-acting formula to treat your dry skin problem. In addition, it nourishes your skin with protein and other nutrients with the help of Kesar and milk cream.

Get Proper Sleep

We are so busy with works and daily life responsibilities that there is no time for sleeping. This creates problems for your body.

Sleeping is the only time when your body is restoring its functions. It prevents the release of the stress hormone ‘cortisol’ that is responsible for breaking down collagen, causing skin sagginess, and wrinkles development.

Another benefit of an adequate amount of sleep is the maintenance of blood pressure to the right level. When the blood circulation is good, your skin doesn’t appear dull.

Drink Water

Without hydrated skin, it is impossible to think about glowing skin. Therefore, you have to drink 1.5-2 liters of water daily to keep your skin soft, supple, and radiated. This helps in removing toxins out of your skin faster and maintaining elasticity. Not only this, you can prevent the growth of wrinkles and soft lines on your skin just by consuming a sufficient amount of water daily.

Consume Healthy Diet

The secret to youthful and glowing skin is eating the right diet. You can start eating fatty fish such as salmon and mackerel because they are considered a great source of omega 3. They provide strength to combat the ultraviolet rays. Other compounds found in them consist of Vitamin E, zinc, and protein. Other than this, you should eat carrots, sunflower seeds, walnuts, soybeans, green tea, and so on.

Use Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera comes with skin healing properties. They can promote skin new cell growth, replacing dead skin cells. Besides, Aloe Vera nurtures your skin with its soothing and cooling effects. It has anti-bacterial properties too so the direct application can relieve acne symptoms.


You have to decide whether you want dull skin or gleaming one. If you do not want to lose the natural shininess, it’s time to start using the right skincare product like Medimix moisturizing face wash. Along with that, adopt a healthy lifestyle to prevent skin issues like acne breakouts, rashes, sun tanning, psoriasis, etc. The secret to

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