Day at Mall Of America

Me@Mall Of America

Day at Mall Of America

It’s my day at one of the biggest Malls of the World “Mall Of America”.

Mall Of AmericaMall Of America

Sorry for crappy pictures but it’s nothing less than a risk to stop a car midway here just to click pictures. One thing I totally missed about India, where we can just park the on roadside and capture the moments you love to click. You have to be extra careful while driving to the roads of America.

I don’t need to mention that it was huge, bigger than any mall I have seen but the best part is, the parking lot is big enough to accommodate all the cars and you don’t have to park your cars on the roadside due to lack of parking space unlike India. 😛

This was the only place where I saw so much of crowd otherwise most of the places even the nearby malls were normally deserted with only a handful of people roaming around.

From where we started, we decided to turn at the next corner and even after walking for 20 minutes in the same direction, the corner didn’t turn up.

There was an amusement park right in the middle of the Mall with some amazing and scary rides. It’s a great place for kiddos too. There was a huge LEGO outlet where kids were busy assembling small LEGO blocks and giving shape to their imagination.

We stopped by Lindt’s Chocolatier store and the uncle there offered us some chocies to taste and too for free :). Truely they were the best chocolates I have ever tasted, just melted into the mouth.

Our another stop was a maze “Mirror Maze”, we had an  A-MAZE-ING experience over there.

Set up with large number of mirrors creating infinite number of reflections and you couldn’t guess whether there is way ahead or its just a reflections, it total fun.

The task was to find the exit gate out of these reflections but we found entry gate more than 10 times. Atleast after a lots of head banging we succeeded. There were huge mirrors at the exit whcih were doing funny things to our images.

It’s me doing my favorite task shopppiinggg!!

One for the Camera…

I like this one..

I bought a handbag from NYC and much awaited Sigma Brushes.

Hope you guys like the pictures!! Stay tuned for Shoppping details.. 😛



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