Beauty Trends to Have in Your Store Now

Beauty Trends to Have in Your Store Now

The beauty industry is fast-paced and competitive – easily swayed by the latest fashions or viral products. You don’t want to see all your hard work lost because you didn’t catch a trend in time or you followed the wrong one. A beauty store can never seem behind the times. Below are some trends in beauty which you should bring into your store as soon as possible. After all, falling behind could mean your customers are going to a more up-to-date company. 

Inclusivity and Diversity 

It’s well overdue, but the beauty industry is finally becoming more inclusive of a diverse range of people. No longer is there one unobtainable beauty standard; now everyone can shine and feel beautiful. There is a wider range of products to support that; for example, oils, creams, butters, sprays, gels, and so on, perfect for hair, whether silky thin or bouncing coils. Not to mention that foundation no longer just comes in a vague beige. Check out the wide range of wholesale beauty products available to ensure your store is as inclusive as possible. 

Don’t forget the rise of gender-neutral beauty either; you should offer a range of products that will appeal to anyone regardless of gender and ensure that your store does not exclusively promote one gender over the other. You might create a store that intimidates people and makes them feel like they do not belong there – the opposite of what you should aim for. You should ensure that all of your staff have diversity and inclusion training so that they can handle any queries professionally and sensitively. 

The Clean Beauty Movement

You have probably seen this trend, even if you haven’t fully come across the Clean Beauty Movement. These days, consumers are paying more attention to the ingredients in their products, for instance, to avoid a certain ingredient such as palm oil. As part of the sustainability movement and moving away from unnecessary waste, many consumers moved through a trial of trying to make their own products – knowing exactly what has gone into them. Many have found that DIY beauty is not easy but do not want to return to the heavily manufactured products of before, so products that prioritize natural ingredients, sustainability, and cruelty-free production fill the gap. 


Following the Clean Beauty trend, beauty stores (like everyone else) should focus on improving their green credentials and sustainability. Everyone around the world is realizing the environmental impact that our culture has had and is trying to do their bit to reduce the damage. You should be looking into sustainability practices that you could introduce into your store. Consider aligning with products and brands with a sustainable ethos – either in their production or packaging. You could also include zero-waste stations where people can bring in their own containers and refill shampoo or soap. Some beauty packaging is notoriously difficult to recycle as an individual – why not put in a station for people to return their empty packaging to you? As a bonus, it increases footfall into your store and gives you a chance to convert people into customers. 

Some beauty trends are passing fads that you can take or leave, given the ethos of your brand. However, these three trends in fashion are unlikely to go away, and neglecting them or falling behind will mean your customers turn elsewhere. The world is reaching a more socially aware place, and it’s important to reflect that in your business. 

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