5 Ways to Practice Self-Care When Life is Overwhelming

Posted on Jun 18 2019 - 2:47am by poonam

5 Ways to Practice Self-Care When Life is Overwhelming

When life gets overwhelming, looking after yourself is one of the most important things that you can do. Whether you’re working in a high-stress career, juggling work with raising a family and adjusting to parenting young children, putting all your effort into gaining a qualification, dealing with personal issues or some combination of all of these, practicing self-care can help you re-ground yourself and remember who the most important person in your life is – you. Practicing self-care doesn’t have to be difficult, costly, or time-consuming. Here are some things that you can do today to care for yourself.

How to practice Self care with yoga

#1. Drink Some Water:

When was the last time you had a glass of water? It’s a simple thing to do, but so many of us get so caught up in everyday tasks that we forget to stay hydrated, leaving us feeling sluggish and tired. Your body is made up of around 70% water, so drinking plenty of it is essential for feeling fresh and staying energetic. Head to the nearest water fountain and pour yourself a glass – you’ll instantly feel more refreshed and energized for it.

#2. Do Some Yoga:

Yoga is great for calming your mind and strengthening your body, and the best part is that it’s easy enough to do at home. When you have a spare ten minutes or so, practicing some yoga moves will leave you with a clearer head and help you smooth out any aches and pains in your body. All you need is a yoga mat, some comfortable stretchy clothing, and instructional yoga videos to get started – you can find plenty on YouTube.

#3. Book a Treatment:

Every once in a while, a beauty treatment will leave you feeling a million dollars, and some pampering is one of the best ways to care for yourself. Whether you go for smoother and more youthful skin with a vampire facial, get a relaxing spa pedicure or treat yourself to a relaxing deep tissue massage, it’s a great way to spend some time looking after yourself.

#4. Spend Time With Friends:

Whether you are an extrovert or an introvert, spending time with your good friends is an essential part of self-care. Getting out and catching up with the people who mean the most to you is great for your mental health and gives you an opportunity to talk about anything with somebody that you trust and who supports you. Whether you’re grabbing a coffee, trying out a new activity in town or going on a shopping spree, dedicate some time to nurturing your friendships.

#5. Practice Gratitude:

Last but not least, being thankful for and noticing even the little things that you have can be incredibly good for your mental health, helping you to feel happier and emotionally stronger each day. Maybe you’re thankful for the fact it isn’t raining, or that your car started on the way to work today. When you practice gratitude, you begin to notice all the little positives each day, making you feel happier and more energized.

How do you practice self-care? We’d love to hear from you in the comments.

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